Do you want to get back into shape but can't find the motivation? Are you unable to convert your 10:00/mile pace into a faster rate? Even a 30-minute basic exercise will leave you breathless, let alone a one-hour cardio workout.
Working hard is essential, but if you start huffing and puffing after one set,
+ it is time to take action, such as employing a deep tissue massager.
Working out without sufficient preparation may prevent you from reaching your full workout potential.
Preparing yourself for your training regimen helps ensure that your workout routine improves. Of course, that is exactly what all fitness freaks do. But how do they accomplish this?
Before engaging in workout drills, "gymaholics" use a variety of preparatory approaches to prepare themselves. As a result, pre-exercise routines have become nearly an essential tool in the workout game, whether for athletes or gym enthusiasts.
We'll tell you everything you need to know about pre-workouts before going to the gym and massage gun routine. So let's get started.
What Is the Purpose of Pre-Workout?
A pre-workout, as the name implies, precedes the training routines. Pre-exercise workouts are widely used to boost energy levels and improve workout performance.
Deep tissue percussion massagers might help you tone up your muscles. In addition, the incredible Athletic Massage Guns can restore your muscles through multiple massage sessions. So before hitting the racetrack, you feel energized.
Also Read: How Can Runners Use A Massage Gun
What Is a Massage Gun and Why Do People Use Them?
Massage guns (also known as "percussive massage treatment" or "vibration therapy") are small, handheld devices that resemble and, in some circumstances, sound like a power drill. They're virtually always wireless and come with interchangeable attachments (most use a rechargeable battery).
Tissue percussion therapy is a type of deep tissue massage. The impact of the massager causes a neuromuscular reaction in the deep tissue muscles.
When the gun is turned on and put on your muscles, the attachments vibrate or "percuss" at a high frequency with a little movement amplitude, which enthusiasts claim workout recovery and improves overall performance while reducing discomfort.
Why Is It Critical To Use A Massage Gun Correctly?
The importance of proper usage of electronic gadgets, like anything else, cannot be overstated. It's never a good idea to presume you know everything there is to know about a device and hence don't need to worry about proper usage.
Manufacturers are aware of this, which is why most massage guns come with a detailed training manual.
Here are several good reasons to utilize a massage gun correctly:
EFFECTIVE MUSCLE THERAPY: When used right, a massage gun can be as effective as visiting a massage therapist.
TO AVOID INJURY: Massage guns have been known to cause injury, especially when used improperly.
Pre-workout Massage With A Deep Tissue Percussion Therapeutic Massager
Warm-up with a pre-exercise massage gun session by improving blood flow to the muscles you intend to use during your workout. Warm-up for the benefits of a massage gun to help you enhance your range of motion before working out.
Massage each muscle region you want to train for one to two minutes directly, plus 30 seconds on supporting muscle groups, with a massage gun before your workout.
To help increase your mobility and "loosen up" the muscles to move easily, you may target specific areas like the biceps, quadriceps, or even joints.
Try this massage gun before workout technique if you're planning a leg workout:
- Each quad should be worked for 60 seconds
- work each hamstring for 60 seconds
- 30 seconds of lower back massage
- each calf for 30 seconds
Also Read: How To Use A Massage Gun Before Working Out
During-Workout Massage With A Massage Gun
You'll improve circulation and prepare your muscles for a workout in less than five minutes. Other vital warm-up components, such as dynamic stretching and modest cardio to get your heart rate up, should not be overlooked. On the other hand, Percussive therapy isn't a substitute for deliberate mobilization and priming.
You can use a massage gun during workout throughout your session. For example, when you sense the tension in the muscle group you're working out, this could happen. Instead of stretching, utilize your massage gun in this situation; 15 seconds is more than enough. The goal is to get the muscle to contract.
Post-Workout Massage With A Massage Gun
Your tired muscles are drained after a challenging workout. You can speed up your recovery by employing a post workout massage gun. A massage gun can be used whenever you need to ease muscle tension, but it's especially good after an exercise to aid recovery and reduce muscle soreness. In addition, it can assist in reducing muscle inflammation, which can help with muscle discomfort (Microscopic rips in muscle fibers and inflammation in the tissues are thought to cause muscle soreness).
Percussive therapy after an exercise might assist your body in returning to resting condition from a heightened state. The best post workout massage gun helps you relax by suppressing pain signals delivered to your brain after a strenuous workout.
Percussive therapy also helps to keep circulation strong after a workout, bringing oxygen and nutrients to your tired muscles.
Keep in mind though, that your muscles are already stretched, strained, and irritated. Follow the 2-minute rule of massage gun for post workout as precisely as possible for each muscle group. The last thing you want to do is aggravate the pain or injure yourself further. Simply use it long enough to clear the lactic acid out of your muscles.
Drink plenty of water in addition to utilizing the massage gun. Remember that exercising and using a massage gun will improve blood flow and circulation. Water is the principal carrier of toxins and lactic acid produced in the circulation. Although the science isn't obvious on how much water you should drink, it's widely agreed that 2-3 liters per day are sufficient to avoid dehydration.
For Sore Muscles, Use a Massage Gun
Your muscles may get quite sore a day or two after your workout. DOMS stands for delayed-onset muscle soreness but a massage gun can help. Although a massage gun will not be able to cure DOMS totally, it will provide temporary relief.
Adjust a massage gun's speed and depth settings to avoid causing pain in strained muscles. Because sore muscles are more sensitive, you'll generally want to keep your device's settings low.
Once you've found a comfortable setting, massage each painful area for one to two minutes for maximum benefits of a massage gun after workout.
How Often Should a Massage Gun Be Used?
When you need to prepare your body for a workout or an activity, you use muscle activation. Do it for no more than 30 seconds.
Muscular reactivation occurs during activities when muscle spasms or exhaustion threaten to interrupt your effort. The time limit is 15 seconds.
After exercising, a massage gun can help with recovery. It can also be used to ease the pain. It serves as temporary pain relief in this situation. The best time to use a massage gun after a workout is 1-2 minutes. Avoid hitting nerves or pushing too hard on painful spots. The heated massage mode is another great feature of the massage gun. Heated massages are essential for pain relief. For this purpose, a heated massage gun comes with a unique ceramic head.
Avoid These Mistakes When Using a Message Gun

You can use a massage gun before or after workout. Read the massage gun instructions carefully before using it, as each one will have different settings, uses, and directions. There are a few things you should never do in general.
- Use a massage gun on regions of your skin that have cuts or rashes to avoid aggravating the situation.
- Use a massage gun sparingly on regions where you have an injury, a torn muscle, soreness, edema, or any other type of discomfort.
- Avoid massaging bony areas with a massage gun.
- If you're pregnant, don't use a massage gun unless your doctor has given you permission.
Also Read: When Should You Not Use A Massage Gun
Final Words
Massage guns can be a beneficial and healthy addition to your workout and recovery routine. However, it would help if you exercise caution when exerting any force on your body. Avoid using a massage gun on any injuries, bruises, or susceptible regions, and consult your doctor if you're not sure if a massage gun is good for you.