When Not To Use A Massage Gun - The Fit Body Factory

When Should You NOT Use a Massage Gun?

Massage guns are a relatively new phenomenon in the world of self-care, but they are becoming increasingly popular for a good reason. These devices use vibration and percussion to help massage the muscles, providing relief from tension and soreness.

There are many times when a massage gun can be beneficial for the body. However, there are also times when it is not recommended to use this device. This blog post will discuss when you shouldn't use a massage gun.

What not to do with a Massage Gun

Things To Avoid While Using A Massage Gun - The Fit Body Factory

A madsage gun is an innovative tool that helps with muscle recovery, but it's essential to use it safely. First off, you should always be cautious when using any power tool on injuries because they can cause more harm than good if not handled delicately!

Hammer Massage Gun helps immensely with muscle sprains, strains, and inflammation-related problems like tendinitis. Just make sure your doctor knows what type(s) of device/equipment you use so they may adjust your treatment accordingly.

You should also check with a doctor if you are pregnant and then opt for using the massaging accessory, if recommended. Generally, it's safe as long as you don't direct any shots towards your belly or backside. However, it is recommended to avoid head-to-toe contact altogether since there could still be some risk involved even when targeting other areas such as the head and genitals. 

Avoid the Massage Gun on these Medical Conditions 

Medical Conditions To Avoid Using A Massage Gun

As beneficial and relaxing as massage therapy seems, there are some cases in which you should talk to your doctor before getting a therapeutic session. That's because these massage accessories can be potent tools - not just for delivering pressure but also stimulating nerves ending up on-site where they don't want to go! So if any of these injuries or conditions apply, beware: Powering up might do more harm than good!

Here are some of the injuries where you should avoid using this travel massage gun without fail: 

  • Sprains

Avoid Muscle Massage Guns On Sprains - The Fit Body Factory

If a part of your body stretches past its normal range of motion, you can get a sprain. It usually happens suddenly. You might hear a "pop" in the joint and feel discomfort that will worsen if not treated properly. It’s best to rest for 48 hours or more and use ice packs on-site compressions to help bring down blood flow, so there's no swelling at all, in short it helps with cool down of your body

It would help if you never used a deep tissue massage gun on torn ligaments, as this can cause further damage. After an injury, talk to your doctor before trying any treatments yourself. Ensure you avoid excessive movement immediately after a sprain and during the rehabilitation period for at least six weeks.

  • Muscle Strains

Using Massage Guns on Muscle Strains - The Fit Body Factory

The most common type of muscle strain is a pulled abdominal wall. This can be caused by overuse, improper use, or sudden motions that cause the muscles in your lower back to stretch beyond their normal range and tear some aspects of it, which leads to stomach pain when bending forward.

While using your travel massage gun on a pulled hamstring is tempting, we recommend against this. The powerful hammering motion of percussion therapy can further damage muscles and should be avoided at all costs.  

It's essential to treat your injuries quickly and correctly to prevent them from becoming worse or chronic. Ensure you protect yourself from further damage by taking time off from active sports such as running until the pain goes away. Then ice it down afterward, if needed.

It's important to be aware that not all massage guns are a good idea for healing. Research has shown limited effectiveness when used alone as part of treatment plans and should only take place with doctor supervision. 

  • Heavy Inflammatory Injuries

Inflammation Injuries & Deep Tissue Massage Guns

Inflammation is a common condition caused by anything, from food poisoning to an infection. If your body experiences too much stress or trauma, it may release toxins into the bloodstream, which leads to inflammation and pain in other parts of our bodies, such as joints and muscles. 

You should use a hammer massage gun cautiously if you have any condition that leads to inflammation, such as Crohn's Disease or ulcerative colorectal cancer because they can make it worse. 

  • Broken Bones

Avoid Muscle Massage Guns On Broken Bones - The Fit Body Factory

Bones heal differently depending on what caused them to break in the first place. There's no need for concern about painful force being applied near or around your newly mended bones as they will be stable and well protected from any possible damages.

However, don't use a travel massage gun near broken or healing bones. If you've been cast-free, it means your bone has mended and is in a stable position, but the significant force of a massage gun can still cause severe pain as well potential damage to newly repaired joints.

  • Chronic Medical Conditions

Avoid Madsage Guns With Chronic Conditions

People suffering from some illnesses and chronic diseases should be cautious about using a massaging accessory. Although these guns could be an excellent way to relieve stress and tension, it's vital for you or your loved one not to have any pre-existing conditions.

Talk with a doctor before trying percussion therapy if they are at risk of having these illnesses: hypertension (high blood pressure), severe varicose veins, other conditions that affect the blood vessels, such as atherosclerosis/peripheral artery disease, deep vein thrombosis. 

There may also be risks involved when using massage guns because some people who suffer from certain autoimmune disorders could develop symptoms during treatment periods.

Areas to Avoid Using Massage Guns

Areas To Avoid Using Massage Guns - The Fit Body Factory

The massage gun is often the first tool that comes to mind when people think about massaging their bodies, but risks are involved.

For example, suppose you don't know what spot needs attention or will be most effective in loosening up tight muscles and fascia around them. In that case, pain-free inflammation could result from improper placement, leading to serious long-term injuries.

Make sure you avoid these areas while using massage guns:

  • First Rib

The area just under your neck and across the shoulders is your first rib. It can be painful to press there because of chronic tension. But if you give it some love with a few light taps, then dig in deeper for good measure, you’ll feel where one rib meets another at their base. This area is considered super sensitive because you have all sorts of nerves and blood vessels under your first rib that supply to arms and hands.

If you press too hard in this area, it can compress them, sending tingles or even pain down to the fingers - a warning sign! While doing deep tissue massage with an electric gun on oneself seems safe enough, accidents happen when people get distracted from what’s going inside their body.

  • Spine

Stimulating your spine with a massage gun could irritate some sensitive areas, so it’s important to be mindful of where you use percussions. You should feel for those bony edges near the backbone and avoid any contact that could cause injury by irritating nerve roots or spinal cord tissues.

You can most likely feel your spine from where it connects to the bottom of your head. There are five major pieces in all, with one being underneath each heel and another close by on either side underarm pits or wherever you may have pain. But be careful not to irritate any nerves or discs because this could lead to severe complications. 

Foam rolling is a popular alternative to using these massaging stimulators. It has the advantage of not being as rigid and will therefore never cause you pain - even if you dig into your spine while massaging it with long strokes along each side.

However, if you have low bone density or are told that it may not be a good idea because of an injury from previous foam roller use, then try this out with caution. Do follow your doctor's advice before trying anything new.

  • Kidneys

Have you heard of the risks associated with a deep tissue massage gun? Kidneys, for example, are particularly susceptible because they're close to our surface in between two bones. So while using a massage gun might seem soothing at first, it's important not to scratch or dig into these sensitive regions directly over one's kidneys. It can cause the organs to vibrate, putting an external force they aren’t familiar with. 

Such vibrating force can cause adverse effects on the working mechanism of kidneys. Therefore, to avoid injury during massage therapy sessions, make sure you understand what you’re doing; otherwise, it may cause unnecessary discomfort or severe damage.  

Final Takeaways

Hammer Massage Guns When To Avoid - The Fit Body Factory

Massage guns are a great way to get a deep tissue massage, but some areas of your body should be avoided. If you have any severe health conditions or injuries, avoid using a hammer massage gun, as it can worsen and cause more pain. 

They might be considered effective devices for relieving muscle tension after a workout, but you should avoid using them on injuries requiring immobilization. It can exacerbate the damage and increase pain by causing further inflammation to already inflamed tissues.

Other places where you shouldn't use a massage gun include the first rib, spine, and kidneys. Before starting treatment with an electric device like this one, always consult your doctor for advice specific to your condition.

We hope you've found this blog post helpful in avoiding the pitfalls of using a massage gun. Now that you're armed with these tips take care when it comes to your health, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

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